Teaching at LSHS has been the best experience ever for me. I had a not so fun time last year in my old school (even though I had some A-M-A-Z-I-N-G teacher friends) and I was so unhappy with my career decision. This year has been a complete 180 for me!
My BFFNAA Kari Jo Ramsey and her husband came to watch the game with me.
My students come in everyday eager to learn new and exciting things about subjects I am so passionate about. They make me want to come to work everyday and tell them everything I know. I feel like the kids here have made me become such a better teacher this year.
My cheerleaders are the sweetest girls ever. They make me want to be a parent to each and every one of them. I look forward to the 2 hour practice after school, the long bus rides, and the painful bleacher seats. I love showing them how far they have come in such a short time and encouraging them to keep imporving on their individual skills to make them a better cheerleader. Cheerleading was such a huge part of my high school life and I want them to have the experiences I had.
The faculty at my school has become a small family with lots of late nights and long summer days getting this school ready for opening day. Every teacher around me is an Allstar and we push the students to be the same. Our teachers all work together to help each other and make others do better, no one is out for themselves only. I feel encouraged by my fellow staff members that I am making an impact on these students. I have three principals who would go to battle for me everyday. I know there are times where I will be in the wrong and they will let me know and help teach me to be better. The are great examples to the staff here of how the school system is supposed to work.
The cheer and drill team sponsors at the game. Me(Cheer), Jacki(Drill), Katie(Drill), and Stacey(Cheer).
I am so excited of where I am in my career life today. I feel like I make a little difference in these kids lives everyday. I am blessed to be apart of the Ranger Nation and hope that this school continues to have the positive impact it is having on those involved.
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